oloHealth EHR is the right solution for healthcare operative processes, administrative and organizational interactions
oloHEALTH General Informations
oloHEALTH is a adaptable electronic health record (EHR) for the management of patient data, acceptance, bed assignment, discharge and the workflow of the entire diagnostic process.
It is a very easy-to-use software that allows the team to maximize the time-efficiency of the registration process of one or more access to one or more healthcare facility, with the chance of managing both medical dossier and file.
Software structure provides a server that hosts oloHealth, where data are stored and kept confidential. The usability of the system is possible from any fixed or mobile device and from any operating system.
Medical records is always with you: the software has been optimized for the use on tablets to take advantage of multi-touch and voice typing technology.
oloHEALTH strengths
oloHEALTH facilitate the management of bed assignment, patients data, acceptance and discharge and of all the related workflow. The medical record is divided into:
- ADT (Reception, discharge, transfer) AreaIn this section, typical feature of ADT area can be found, such as: patient personal data, acceptance, discharge and transfer management, as well as diagnosis and discharge documentation. It allows the compilation of SDO with an simple and user friendly insertion methods of IDC9-CM codes and simulation of DRG before issuing the final documents.
- INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAIt supplies a daily summary of therapy through the daily records of the medical and nursery diary. With the medical diary, the team can manage therapy prescriptions and delivery with alerts on potential drugs allergies and interaction.
- MEDICAL AREAIn this area physicians can insert patient data about medical history, physical examination, medical procedures performed before and during hospitalization.
- NURSING AREAIt allows the insertion and organization of data considered relevant and the collection of the same in a nursing folder.
- SCORE AREAoloHEALTH includes the most widely used score in medicine and, thanks to its configuration, it allows the creation of new ones and the integration of result in different modules.
- TESTS AND CONSULTANCY AREAIt is a search engine for patient with filters such as the diagnostic procedures, date and type of consultations, department and report. oloHEALTH also allows the management of second opinions.
- Time MachineAll activities carried out within the system are recorded. Thanks to the “Time Machine”, all changes for a single field or the change of an entire module can be easily monitored. Moreover each activity will include operator name, date and type of operation.
- CONFIGURATORAn efficient configurator allows the team to create, edit, or delete modules. Within each single module, individual fields can be entered, edited or deleted, and default values and type ( i.e. Boolean to Listbox, etc) can be changed.

User Management
Access to the system is regulated by different level of users. Each level presents diverse set of permissions: every user accesses to the platform through credential (or electonic signature), connecting the user to one or more levels. Usually, the most common profiles are:
- Consultation;
- Doctor;
- Nurse;
- Administrative Management.
oloHEALTH allows the management of the patient daily activities as well as the adjustment of the workflow inside departments, such as:
- Planning of therapies;
- Planning of check-ups;
- Planning of treatments;
- Planning of nursing;
- Activities confirmation;
- Hand registration of data;
During the initial phase of system personalization, it is possible to insert customized reports. Some reports are available by default, such as:
- Patient and hospitalization duration report;
- Warehouse and item report;
- DRG processing;
- Processed DRG summary;
- Report of laboratory tests;
- Admission and discharge summary;
- User transaction tracking;
- Billing management;